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Busch® Carbide Cutters, Shorties – Medium Double Cut - Pfingst

Busch® Carbide Cutters Shorties are manufactured in Germany and machined to ultra-high precision tolerances for consistent, even cuts every time – without chatter or drag. The cutters are extremely durable and available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes to meet the various needs of any dental practice.

  • Shorties X: Medium double cut for work out, shape milling on synthetic plaster, denture resin and individual tray
  • Shorties FX: Fine double cut for adjustments and fine finishing on synthetic plaster and acrylic
  • Handpiece only; 2.35 mm (3/32") shank
  • Recommended for accurate work in intricate areas where accessibility is difficult with larger lab burs
  • For crown and bridge, acrylic and model casting techniques and model fabrication
  • Works on gold, silver, chromium-cobalt, palladium and nickel-chromium alloys
  • Design ensures smooth performance and long-lasting operation
  • Shanks labeled with shape, cutting type and ISO size
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