Planmeca PlanCAD® design software is a complete restorative design system with laptop convenience. Planmeca PlanCAD guides you through the design process with rich graphics and easy-to-follow navigation.
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Planmeca PlanCAD design software allows clinicians to create a custom restoration for every case. With user-friendly tools and features, you can design a single crown or full-arch restoration and everything in between. Choose to complete the entire restorative workflow or enjoy the flexibility to work with a dental lab of your choosing. The software is an integrated part of the powerful Planmeca Romexis® platform, so there’s no need to toggle between different software.
  • See full range of indications including crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers and bridges
  • Enjoy user-friendly designing with automatic saving, automatic design and removal of unwanted data
  • Experience open and easy workflow without mandatory annual license fees
  • Import, export and edit various file formats without any restrictions or complicated workarounds